Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Long Absence a.k.a. The Week of Twilight

As excited as I was to start this blog, I've already abandoned it for over a week! Don't blame me, blame Twilight. Since I had a lengthy Christmas Break, I decided that I would finally see what every teenage girl and a good number of my peers were obsessing over. I guess the final straw came during Thanksgiving Break, when I noticed that even the 55-year-old man sitting next to me on the airplane was reading Twilight. Clearly, I was behind.

So after a whirlwind week, I am finished with all four books in the series. I hated the first book, and if it wasn't for my friends convincing me that the books got better, I would have stopped there. Thank you everyone for encouraging me to continue because New Moon was much better, and it prominently featured my favorite character, Jacob Black (that's right, I was
 totally on Team Jacob). I'm still not entirely impressed with the books, but I can see where the hype comes from. And although Edward didn't win me over until the fourth book, I can also see how a 14-year-old girl would think he's the greatest guy ever. It's probably similar to the way I felt about Shane West's character in A Walk to Remember when I was 16 (Mandy Moore made him promise not to fall in love with her, but he just didn't listen!).

That's probably enough about Twilight since I could go on and on about what I like and dislike. I also saw the movie, though, and I have to say that the only redeeming quality of that train wreck was the hotness of Robert Pattinson. 

That said, I guarantee you I will still see New Moon when it hits theaters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You finished Breaking Dawn? We need to talk.
So Edward finally won you over huh? I don't care if he is a controlling sociopath--at least he doesn't smell like a dog...^^